What is the Payer Info Pool Report?
The PT Payer Info Pool began as the Practice Manager’s edition of the Job Market Pulse — an open source data pool for anonymous entries on what “normal” revenue generation, reimbursement, utilization, etc. might be considering a general market mix of payer reimbursements. But, before we get too far down the road… let’s talk about what this report is and isn’t.
What the report IS NOT.
- This report is not a gold standard representation of our industry norms.
- This report is not fully fleshed out and is still considered impressions of early available data.
- This report shouldn’t represent benchmarks for utilization or operations.
- This report isn’t trying to serve as an influencer of what should be, rather is merely making available what is and has been.
- This report isn’t a full scope analysis or certified statistical research. Like much of the open-source information transparency pieces we release at UpDoc Media, the Payer Info Pool Report relies upon anonymous contributions which are then processed for accuracy, outliers, and observable trends.
What the report CAN BE.
- What this report can be and should be seen as is a starting point for practice managers to compare their norms against the early available data points contributed by colleagues.
- This report, as a content series, is still in its infancy as compared to more mature series by UpDoc such as the Pulse and the Talent Acquisition Report.
- This report can certainly help practice managers weight their position in the payer marketplace; and, perhaps glean insights as to their own operations as compared to snapshots of the industry.
- This report will hopefully spark more conversation, encourage sharing, collaboration, and a meaningful self-assessment by practice managers as to the position and direction of their practices, companies, and organizations at large.
- And, finally… this report does include some industry insider insights by which we are fully aware and openly admit comes with our own points of view, biases, and flaws — all of which still host the transparent of intentions to make payer information and trends that much more accessible to those in practice management.
Summary Impressions: Report Snapshot / TLDR Version.
We’re at a time of transition. #ThanksCaptainObvious. To adapt to these uncertain times, there seems to be a bimodal pattern of practices seem to be working on less units and more patients at volume; and, a segment of practices who are trying to hold true to 1-on-1 patient care models.
There’s an incredible amount of trepidation for those in the home health setting and skilled rehab providers. Ironically enough, there is much interest from external stakeholders — most who come from cross-industry avenues who seem to have strong sense of optimism and opportunism in outpatient and in neuro-rehab.
The regional effect of payers seems even more clear now with this edition of the report. What is strange, and perhaps an effect of how we decided to process this launch through present year’s data by how the regions were grouped along with the state to state breakdown, is the surprising results of of payment in the Northeast being lower than customarily appreciated.

It should be obvious that outside of the Payer Info Pool Report being in its nascency and hence the reported data requiring more time for validation… that there are apparent trends which one can hold fair confidence in depicting measurable norms within the industry which has been commonly discussed on social platforms and at industry conferences. That said… we need more data and it would mean a lot to those in the practice management community who use reports such as these in optimizing their respective companies that it be shared and more information be contributed.
What we still need to make this helpful on a grand scale?
More Data. We have thousands and thousand and THOUSANDS of data points for the Job Market Pulse. The publications of the Pulse that we’ve released have repeatedly garnered feedback as to its accuracy and reliability in the job market from both employers and the workforce at large. We need this same effect for the Payer Info Pool Report to reach higher levels of confidence to bring to light more meaningful trends, deeper analysis, and a broader range of state-by-state breakdown… hopefully into zip code specific as the Job Market Pulse has done.
So, without further ado… you can sign up below to download the full report and its breakdown. AND… as always, questions, concern, suggestions, and comments are warmly welcome. And, please consider sharing this with a fellow practice manager who needs to know about it.
To contribute to the PT Payer Info Pool, please click on the link below: