Building on our recent theme of leadership as well as growth in business, I felt it was timely to share five attribute changes that all growing leaders must make if they wish to be effective in their stations. In the past I’ve tweeted that as one makes the paths up the management ladder, they also find themselves moving from a doer towards a connector. This post, builds on this concept.
Here are…!
5 Changes All Growing Leaders Make
1. Technician
At the foundational level, leaders must first be masters of their craft. Of course, while there are various degrees of mastery, the consummate technician is able to complete their tasks of competency with their proverbial eyes closed. The technicians is a doer and a solver; their job is to work within the framework of a team — contributing value where their skill sets are maximized for the best outcomes regarding the team as a whole. This foundational level of leadership is absolutely critical; one cannot lead, if one has not yet “done it before.”
2. Teammate
As a leader grows, they find themselves moving from a technician’s perspectives into a teammate’s point of view. While they remain a master of their craft; they find more and more responsibility is either placed upon them or is a result of being compelled in an effort to support their team. At this level of leadership growth, people find that it is more important to lift up their teammates, rather than to cause reward and recognition to themselves. Nearly every leadership role and leadership type requires excellence in team dynamics. This, is the 2nd level of change in growing leaders.
3. Trainer
Once the teammate becomes regarded as even a team captain of sorts, they will inevitably find themselves in the role of a trainer. It is no longer their job to “do,” or even, “be part of the team.” Rather, it has now become their job to empower team captains & team dynamics en masse. This new level of responsibility now requires them to take a step back from “the team” and examine how each team fits within the puzzle of a league of teams. The trainer must now enrich each teams ability to function amongst and between each other in synergistic avenues.
4. Teacher
The teacher is a teacher of trainers. Teacher “do” very little. They are not so much actors of business; they have become directors of it. The teaching level of growth in leadership has very much to do with the fact that the value of this perspective is found in propogating key skill sets, core competencies, and future proofing business units for sustainability. It is at this level that leaders must ensure the operational and financial health of organizations, entities, business units, and most importantly, a company’s culture. Teachers do what most cannot; they cultivate talent and raise up the next generation of leaders to replace them — a humbling, selfless, and most important task.
5. Talker
Talkers are funny. Thinking about this, even as a stage of growth in leadership, can be rather comical. We think, many times, of talkers are those who yammer on and get little done. However, when we’re regarding a leader in a position of influence, their “talk” becomes a far different beast, all together. The talker is a consummate communicator and compelling orator. Their job is to be the connector of teachers; one who herds cats and unites them to work together like a pack of wolves — despite each teacher very much having the ability to serve as the Alpha. The talker connects the vision, direction, mission, and core essence of an organization such that the entity is united in how it teaches propagation, organizes its training systems, optimizes its team dynamics, and empower technicians to autonomously pursue excellence as well as ownership of their craft.
The words of a Talker goes beyond linguistic utilities; Talkers in leadership INSPIRE.
Some Closing Thoughts
Leadership, management, and any business development, always occurs in times of change. This is KEY, as it pertains to growth.
Growth requires change; stagnancy does not.
If you are finding your business, your department, or your own professional growth lacking in the transitions between these changes necessary in forming more effective leadership qualities, please let me know!
I’m only an email (ben@updocmedia) or a phone/text (470-BEN-FUNG) away!