Looking for the open letter survey? Scroll all the way to the bottom!
When we formed UpDoc Media, we went out with the purpose and tagline of “The Content You Need To Know, Delivered With Clinical Precision.” The impetus was to help curate content into accurate segments AND deliver series of knowledge bases to help bridge gaps internally and externally within our profession. The external part is fairly obvious — we have digital marketing services. #NoSecret… However, what is definitely more fun and engaging for us internally is helping elevate our own profession from within.
We’ve done this through content pieces such as the Job Market Pulse that YOU have made possible, the Talent Acquisition Surveys that YOU wanted employers to know about; and, building the nearly Physical Therapy Payer Info Pool, which will very much benefit practitioners when discerning fair reimbursement rates.
Well, recently I dropped an impromptu poll on the employee persona’s perception of employers. The results… not great.
Only 13% of employees felt heard/valued by their employers.
About 31% felt somewhat appreciated.
And, 56% felt unheard by their employers.
That’s awful. And, for so many reasons! Not to mention that we’re a profession that prides ourselves on our ability to connect and communicate. Not to mention that as clinicians, we’re huge on being perceptive towards others. Not to mention that this cultural gap is becoming ever wider within the space of Physical Therapy — something that will undoubtedly shred our cohesiveness in the workplace. And, with no surprise… employers feel similarly about the disconnect with only 4% of casual respondents saying their employees actually understand their struggles and listen. Oh, and check out this poll about why employees feel disenchanted with the profession.
Well, in the spirit of Graham Sessions [you can read the #GrahamSessions2018 Recap, here], we’ve created these anonymous letter-form-surveys, much in the same format as the Talent Acquisition Reports we’ve created in the past. This time, we’re offering an outlet of expression from both perspectives. A letter from employee towards their management, owners, employers. AND, a voice from the employers (owner, manager, executive, etc) towards the employee as well as prospective candidate and applicants.
We’re keeping this open for free writing, just as we did with the Why Are You NOT An APTA Member survey, which ultimately lead to some fantastic conversations and an executive lunch and learn at APTA headquarters — talk about open dialogue! So, with that, we hope to continue to build bridges and break down barriers. Please use the links below to appropriately frame your voice. We’ll compile everything after a week or so into a content piece summarizing your letters as “Dear Employee…” and “Dear Employers…”