Welcome back! Well, if you ever left, that is. This is the first new Therapy Insiders episode of 2016. We missed you. Yes, you. Hopefully everyone had a fantastic holiday and are transitioning into 2016 with a lot of _____ (choose your own word). We have been busy at UpDoc Media thinking about how to improve. And we always come back to content. We have pride ourselves on bringing you the best content whether its podcasts, blogs or social media sharing. In 2016 we want to be even better. So that means starting the first episode of Therapy Insiders with an incredible guest that has an incredible story to share. I think John Childs of Evidence In Motion(more affectionately EIM) fits that bill quite nicely, don’t you? In the episode John and I discuss the story of EIM, the ups and downs of business and ultimately what its all about. Check out some of the highlights from the episode below…
Therapy Insiders is sponsored by WebPT: The ultimate EMR for physical therapists. Not only does WebPT produce incredible EMR software, they also produce awesome content. Don’t believe me? Check out www.webPT.com/feedback for an upcoming webinar on professional feedback! Want a free demo? Of course you do! Give them a call at 866-221-1870!
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Highlights from the podcast:
“You want clinicians to practice with best evidence its another thing to actually do that in the context of a real practice”
“How difficult was it to get EIM off the ground?” “In sort of one word, I would say its brutal…”
“If you look back at any successful company and you look back into their history you’ll invariably find some real defining moment where the almost lost it all. Through that difficulty grew out a new tentacle that contributed to their ultimate success”
“All of a sudden EIM this company that we thought that was, was no longer a viable company…”
“Any company that is ever going to make it is invariably going to force a crisis, where you either decide you will overcome or you’re going to say…this is too much for me…”
“Clinical education and entry level physical therapy, is in our humble opinion…broken”
“We [current school system approach] hope and pray that our students catch the knowledge that they need while they are out on clinical without any sophisticated enterprise way to understand whether its really happening”
“What’s broken in healthcare is the process of care”
“Physical therapy is the best kept secret in healthcare”