Business is a funny thing. One moment its exhilarating, exciting and challenging. The next moment its crushing, demoralizing and mean. And thats all in within a span of an hour. Within the turbulence of business life are people volitionally choosing to stick with it. People that can see, no FEEL, change happening. These people are willing to go against the current, to lead when majority of happy to follow, and to decide when others fear speaking up. These people are leaders, influencers and often times very much disliked. Not always. We don’t live in a world of absolutes. I know that, hopefully you do as well. Change is inevitable. Change is also very much disliked and feared due to the unknown it will bring. So what are we to do? Loaded question and one of a few such loaded questions that I asked Larry Benz CEO of Confluent Health (http://goconfluent.com), EIM executive and most impressively a 3rd time returning guest on Therapy Insiders podcast (first, second). Curious by what Larry had to say? Damn right you are! Hit play and enjoy. Sound off on twitter @updocmedia or our Facebook page
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About Larry (from http://my.evidenceinmotion.com/bioinfo.aspx?fid=3):
Dr. Larry Benz, DPT, OCS, MBA, MAPP is the President/CEO of Confluent Health which includes the following companies: Evidence In Motion, Texas Physical Therapy Specialists, ProRehab-Louisville, Fit For Work, Breakthrough Physical Therapy, PT Central, The International Spine Institute, and the NeuroRecovery Training Institute. He is nationally recognized for his expertise in private practice physical therapy and occupational medicine. Dr. Benz’s current interests include conducting research and integrating empathy, compassion, and positive psychology interventions within physical therapy. With over 150 invited presentations to PT programs, national conferences, and MBA programs throughout the country, Dr. Benz has been on APTA’s Advisory Panel on Practice and The Board of the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties and is currently a Trustee with the Foundation for Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist Business Alliance (PTBA), and University of Louisville. He is the recipient of numerous business and physical therapy awards including the Kentucky Physical Therapy’s Outstanding Physical Therapists award and Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the year for his region. He is the co-developer of physicaltherapist.com, and blog.evidenceinmotion.com, a blog devoted to the principles of EBP in physical therapy. His Foundation is the co-developer of Jacmel Rehabilitation in Haiti which can be found at PThelpforHaiti.org. Check out additional information about Dr. Benz at about.me/physicaltherapist or follow @physicaltherapy on Twitter. |